Superdog: The Heart of a Hero written by Caralyn Buehner and illustrated by Mark Buehner is a wonderfully written and illustrated story about Dexter, the diminutive dachshund who is teased by the neighborhood dogs and cats because of his size. This bothers Dex, but fuels his desire to become a superhero! He decides to begin training at once and prove that he can be "big" outside and inside.
Caralyn Buehner utilizes a strategy of the hero plot known as the training sequence. To develop strong muscles Dexter runs to the corner and back , climbs the huge garbage bag pile, and drags a sock full of sand as he runs. Through the use of the captions on various illustrations the comic book format comes alive.
I laughed out loud and cheered Dex on as he circled the garbage pile five extra times and dragged the sock full of sand everywhere to develop strength. Dexter, much like Humphrey from The World According to Humphrey is courageous and dreams big. Both characters desire more for themselves and those that surround them.
Recommended for grades K-3.
Keywords: dogs, cats, heroes, superheroes, courage.
Caralyn Buehner utilizes a strategy of the hero plot known as the training sequence. To develop strong muscles Dexter runs to the corner and back , climbs the huge garbage bag pile, and drags a sock full of sand as he runs. Through the use of the captions on various illustrations the comic book format comes alive.
I laughed out loud and cheered Dex on as he circled the garbage pile five extra times and dragged the sock full of sand everywhere to develop strength. Dexter, much like Humphrey from The World According to Humphrey is courageous and dreams big. Both characters desire more for themselves and those that surround them.
Recommended for grades K-3.
Keywords: dogs, cats, heroes, superheroes, courage.
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